We are a home-based business, so please call for appointment, pricing and selection.
Open 7 Days a week - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Happy Ponding !
See you soon! By Appointment Only, Please. Shipping available.
Gift certificates available. Call us for more details.
Have a question or comment? The best way to get ahold of us is either to email or call.
You can email us at: azwatergardenoasis@gmail.com
Visit our Facebook page for new arrivals and special offers by clicking HERE
Following is a list of some of the plants we have for sale **
>> Tropical Day-Blooming Water Lilies - (colors available) blues, reds, purples, pinks, yellows, whites
>> Tropical Night-Blooming Water Lilies - reds, pinks, whites
>> Hardy Water Lilies - oranges, reds, yellows, pinks, purples, whites
>> Canna Lilies - Cleopatra, King Humbert, Tropicana, Lucifer, Madam Butterfly and more
>> Water Irises - Yellow, Blue, Red Velvet Elvis, Variegated Japanese and more
>> Floating Plants - Water lettuce, Parrots Feather, DuckWeed
>> Bog Plants - Pennywort, Bacopa, Yellow Primrose, Paparus, Umbrella, Orange, Yellow, Red, and Peach Canna, Water Mint, Water Celery, Water Spinach, Water Willow, Blue Pickerel, Blue Bells, Imperial Taro, Green Taro, Varigated Taro, Yerba Mansa, Society Garlic, Varigated Four-leaf Clover, Red bog lily, Thailia, Lizards tail, Dwarf Bamboo and more !
>> We also carry: guppies, comet goldfish, Koi, mosquito fish, tilapia, rosy red minnows, snails and (sometimes) tadpoles.
PLUS we now offer Blue Dawn Seedless Morning Glory (in the spring and summer) AND seeds from our yard and garden to yours -- Hibiscus Roselle, several varieties of sunflowers, various colors of Hollyhocks, several types of beautiful Amaranth, Queen Anne's Lace......and more!!
Please call for more details
** Some items may not be available due to seasonality.